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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Racoon leftovers

We have been discussing what can be done with the remnants of a coon kill.  One of the gals on Whizbang Chicken Pluckers caught a coon in the act and shot it.  Since the kill was fresh, she wanted to know what she could do with it.  The overwhealming majority of responses all agreed.  Dispose of the carcasses.  Use them for coyote bait, burn them, or compost them. 

Racoons carry many transmittable diseases like rabies and distemper.  It is just not worth the risk to process and cook a coon kill.  Usually you find the evidence long after the fact and its far too late then.  Never process a sick chicken, roadkilled chicken, or remnants from predation.  Chickens are cheap, hospital stays are not.

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